In the early Church, some men were called to become deacons, ordained ministers who served the people of God under the direction of the Bishop. As a response to the recommendations of the Second Vatican Council, the Bishops of Canada reactivated the order of permanent deacons in 1969.
The title “deacon” comes from the Greek word “diakonos,” which means “servant.” Though all Christians by baptism are called to “diakonia,” or service, deacons serve as a public sacramental sign of Christ in and at the service of the world. Like a priest, a deacon is a member of the clergy who shares in the ministry of the Bishop. Unlike a priest, he may also have a wife, a family, and a secular job. The diaconate is a distinct vocation, or calling, to imitate Christ in His service to all humanity, to bring the world to Christ and Christ to the world.
A deacon is just as engaged in his ministry when he is at home or at work. He is a permanent sign of Christ the Servant, no matter where he is, or what he is doing. Deacons do not celebrate Mass, hear confessions, or anoint the sick; they extend the sacramental presence of Christ’s service outside of the church and into the secular world. Diaconal service is modeled after the threefold apostolic ministry of the Bishop:
A deacon personally serves the poor, the aged, the sick, and the imprisoned, bringing the Gospel to all those in need. He preaches and practices social justice.
Deacons proclaim the Gospel and preach at liturgical celebrations. They provide catechetical instruction, adult faith formation, and sacramental preparation.
Deacons assist priests during Mass, administer baptisms, witness marriages, preside at funerals and wakes, officiate at Benediction and lead community prayer services.
In addition, married candidates must have the consent and support of their wives, who must be willing to participate in their formation as needed. Diaconal candidates will seek the recommendation of their pastor, who will attest to the above traits, and express judgment as to their suitability to begin formation. Candidates from all cultural, professional and educational backgrounds are welcome.
If deemed suitable through the admission process, applicants are invited to begin their first year, the aspirancy path, wherein aspirants and their wives attend a formation program to prayerfully consider how their families and lives will be impacted by ordination. Unmarried aspirants use this time to discern their readiness to commit to celibacy. The Bishop's recommendation is always needed to admit someone to the formation program.
Human formation refers to the development of skills that help candidates relate to and work with the diverse people of God. Spiritual formation consists of retreats, study days, spiritual direction, and commitment to the public prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours.
Theological formation and Pastoral formation brings together all components into supervised fieldwork that targets the needs of the candidate: homiletics, catechesis, liturgical ministry, work in social service agencies, hospital and prison visits, guidance of parish groups, volunteers and movements.
With the assistance and discernment of those involved in their formation, the Bishop calls men to the diaconate after their period of formation. During the ordination rite, he lays hands on them, praying that every Gospel virtue may abound in the new deacons, who are called not only to be hearers of the Gospel, but its ministers.